In a previous occasion you have allowed us to tell stories of people and organization that have mastered the art of innovation, today we are privileged you are giving us the chance
to be part of telling your story, the story of Tamkeen.
The treatment proposed is part of a comprehensive well-built messaging house, where this video is a tool to reinforce different core messages, fulfilling number of communication objectives and verifying a particular context.
A creative, informative, classy and human launching video.
The forefront of our ideation process was to tell a story that is succinct but complete. accurate but ignites imagination. One that actualizing Tamkeen’s vision, communicates clearly the new strategy, humanizing the new brand, and personifies the organization’s culture.
We have designed the video putting in mind stands by its as a cohesive piece of content.
• Each segment should stand by its own, indicating one key message, as well as whole with different key messages.
• Each segment should have a headline, that works as news story.
• Each segment the capability of being repurposed through different media channels.
Number of films, with different styles, setting the tone for each segment’s context, key messages, and provided information, while transitioning seamlessly. Each ending scene of a segment will be a beginning of the other. To give the viewers the sense dynamism of an ever evolving and adaptability of Tamkeen.
Every segment will be shot in a location that expresses the type of the key messages.
As per the structure, we will be presenting each segment separately. In terms of key message, and style. Delivery and tone of voice The delivery and language used will be combination of formal and every day language, relaxed, inspiring and assertive.
Tamkeen has a story, and it is worth to be told.
It is not, about figure, facts. It is about IMPACT.
The video will be consisting of 5 segments, with two different styles; the strategy, and economic reality will be featuring the Chairman and CEO, respectively.
Accompanied with on-screen graphics highlighting main figures and headlines.
While the other segments (The opening, rebranding & new identity and Programs) will be starting with short films encapsulating the key messages in concise way. Followed by marketing and Branding team Head/member presenting the branding process, and finally presenting the new programs by two other members (enterprise journey, human capital)
* To be finalized with your team.
film structure
Opening Film
Chairman Speech
CE Speech